Redemption Update

Emphasis for week of Febraury 2

What & How do you love?

Love is a universal language.  I'm sure the individuals and families of Los Angeles and eastern North Carolina greatly appreciated the care and love shown to them during these natural disasters. Likewise, when family or church family were recently hospitalized, they enjoyed the love shown to them through visits, phone calls, and gifts.

God directs us to Love Him, to love all others, and to do so as we love ourselves.  But what does that look like?  How does it feel?  How do we know if we are loving well or loving at all?  Do we have permission to inform others if they do not love us well?

As a follower of Jesus, who has made a covenant as a member of the Church of the Nazarene, I have promised to live out my life in a specific way:  we call this the Christian Code of Conduct.  We also agree on a set of beliefs called our Articles of Faith (

During the month of February, the Webb City Church family will explore the benefits of loving God and others, especially in light of Scripture and how God demonstrates love.  Please join us on Sunday mornings as well as in your discipleship groups through the week to dive deep into the waters of Godly love and learn some very practical ways to show and receive love.

CrossStyle & Cultivate come together

For the month of February, the youth and adults will be meeting together on Wednesday evenings.  Teens and adults will meet in the Sanctuary for a meal and teaching from 6 to 7pm.  

Please come ready to learn without distraction.  Pastor Chad will be the primary teacher with Robert Hoog assisting.  For those that may desire more information, you may text Pastor Chad at the church's text line:  (833) 208-3373.

If you would like to get a sneak peak on the material we will be utilizing, feel free to text "Redemption 101" to (833) 208-3373.

Life Groups

Life Groups are in their "Guide" week.  Only the leaders meet for training this week.  All other members are free to spend time with family, take the wife on a date, or just to take a Sabbath rest.  We look forward to Grow night/week beginning Febraury 9th.